Thursday, May 5, 2016

Editorial Report 1

In this blog post, I am going to compare a section from my rough draft to my final draft.

Selection from Rough Cut

Throughout this semester, my ability to plan, manage time, adapt to unfamiliar situations, learn new technology, and revise were put to the test over the course of the first three projects in this class.

Re-edited Selection

Throughout this semester, due to my work on the projects and the process work it entailed, I have grown as a writer in some areas and realized my faults and flaws in others as well.

This is how my thesis has evolved from my rough cut to my final cut. I believe that I refocused the content in the re-edited selection as opposed to the selection from the rough cut. I believe that the original thesis was too wordy of a thesis, and that the thesis statement therefore was trying to be overly specific and not allowing my paper to grow. In the re-edited selection I decided that the main focus should be the projects and the work that I learned from completing them, rather than how I changed in specific areas during random points throughout the semester in working on the projects. I believe that my new thesis allows the paper to grow and allows for much more flow rather than the original.

I believe that the form of the thesis generally remains the same, however I tried to ensure that the thesis was not too complicated to understand. Originally I had a lot of topics that I listed out that I would try to cover, while in the new thesis I am going to focus on the projects and what each project taught me about my own writing process. I believe this final version leads to a more a logical progression that my paper can now follow.

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