Thursday, May 5, 2016

Editorial Report 2

In this blog post, I am going to go over another segment from my rough draft and compare it to my final draft.

Selection from Rough Cut

My writing process throughout the semester has undergone true trial by fire due to the projects that took place during this semester. I have grown in almost all areas of my process, and even if I have not grown I have become more self-aware of myself as a writer. My character as a writer has changed as I have become more self-aware and I have become able to critically analyze my own work at a much higher level, rather than remaining satisfied with the basic and bare minimum for any work that I produce. I have begun to grow and become a much stronger and a more capable writer due to my own work ethic throughout the projects. I did every single assignment that was asked of me this semester and always made time for this class and the goals that I needed to accomplish in order to complete the projects in a timely manner. There are other aspects that I have struggled with due to the amount of work going on all at once in this semester, however this is something that I am going to take moving forward. There are certain amounts of process work that truly helped during this semester, and I am going to take a variety of different aspects and put them into work moving forward. Completing the project in sections for example is extremely helpful, and something that I began in this class that did not always maintain consistency, but is something that needs work for the future. Overall, I have learned the most about my process as a writer, and have grown to be open to change and growth and self-analyzation after the work from this semester.

Re-edited Selection

My writing process throughout the semester has undergone true trial by fire due to the projects that took place during this semester. I have grown in almost all areas of my process, and even if I have not grown I have become more self-aware of myself as a writer. My character as a writer has changed because I am able to critically analyze my own work at a much higher level, rather than remaining satisfied with the basic and bare minimum for any work that I produce. I have begun to grow and become a much stronger and a more capable writer due to my own work ethic throughout the projects. I did every single assignment that was asked of me this semester and always made time for this class and the goals that I needed to accomplish in order to complete the projects in a timely manner.

There are other aspects that I have struggled with due to the amount of work going on all at once in this semester, specifically my ability to manage time. There are simply not enough hours in the day for everything that needs to be completed, and my ability to manage time has been effectively challenged because of this. However my newfound ability from this class to work through large projects in smaller segments is something that I am going to take moving forward. For example, during this class I was able to complete the work for the projects in different blog posts, which I could bring together into the one big project. I find this very helpful to my writing process. Taking larger projects that take weeks to complete and self-assigning due dates for parts of the project will make completion of projects far easier, especially with the busy life of college remaining a constant issue. Overall, I have learned the most about my process as a writer, and have grown to be open to change and growth and self-analyzation after the work from this semester.

The content of my re-edited selection of my conclusion is far more streamlined and separated out in order to ensure that thoughts flow from one idea to the next. In the previous conclusion, I am trying to address a lot of information in a single paragraph. I believe that introducing different ideas, specifically how much I have learned and grown from the process work completed truly shows a completion of what I was trying to do in my thesis statement. I believe that the characteristics of the assignment were much better addressed, and I believe the my writing process was always the main focus of the entire assignment. 

The form of my re-edited selection also changed as well. I broke up the original conclusion into multiple paragraphs after going through peer review, and I believe that it allows my paper to flow more as my ideas are addressed solely through each paragraph and I am not trying to do too much within a single paragraph. I believe that it allows for the conclusion of my paper to take more time to fully elaborate on all of the ideas that need to be fully expressed within my paper, rather than shoehorning in too many ideas and not taking enough time to fully explain everything I want to do. 

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