Saturday, January 30, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

In this blog post, I am going to discuss the findings from Reddit, specifically in regards to theatre and acting.

Martin Lafrance, "Reddit logo." 4/12/2010. via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.
The Reddit forums in regards to theatre, like Twitter, are very subjective discussions for the most part. However one of the most drastic and notable differences between the discussions that occur between those on Twitter and those on Reddit is the higher level of professional discussion that occurs within Reddit. The discussions on Reddit deal with theatre on a more professional level, and deal with those working in the professional world coming together and sharing their own experiences and opinions. While Twitter appears to be anyone sharing their own opinion in regards to the topic, those that are a part of the Reddit discussions have much more experience in the field.

The most interesting Reddit threads that I found can be seen here and here. These are both extremely interesting because they are written with a higher level of knowledge and wisdom than those found on Twitter. These discussions are being had between people who have cared about theatre for most of their lives, and know a great deal about the professional world and the applications of theatrical techniques in the real world.

The first one is interesting because it shows the real life applications of theatre outside the theater itself, especially from those who have learned the craft shows the interest. The second one is interesting because it maintains the professionalism that can be found on Reddit. The discussion is comprised of people who have had experience in the real world, and are discussing the real life applications of working in professional media.

I definitely was not expecting such a drastic difference in professionalism from Twitter to Reddit. I was not expecting as many people with unique, professional experience to be giving their opinions on such subjective opinions. While the discussion topics are mostly the same, it was definitely the level of professionalism that shocked me.

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