Saturday, January 30, 2016

Twitter and What I Found There

In this blog post, I will discuss my findings of different theatre discussions that I was able to find on Twitter.

Jon Gosier, "Twitter Logo." 4/4/2008. via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.
The most lengthy and personally-charged discussions relating to theatre on Twitter usually involve personal experiences that people have had relating to the field and their experience from the problems faced professionally and the problems that are dealt with on a personal level as well. The most interesting exchanges occur when people state a problem that they have faced in regards to theatre, and it opens up the discussion for others to come in and state their feelings, whether they relate to the original post or not.

One of the more interesting discussions that I found were here and here. The first story demonstrated a sort of debate that had come up between the difference between confidence and overconfidence, and when confidence can pass into arrogance. The second story showed the ability for a community to be unified as well in a common problem that is faced within theatre. There are many who have experienced a lack of acting in musical theatre, and it is a situation where people came together and understood and related to one another in similar experience.

There was not much of a surprise at the conversations I was able to find in regards to theatre. Many of the discussions are subjective, as that is the only way in which theatre can truly be debated. The most common forms of discussion are when a subjective opinion is brought up and others are allowed to disagree. Other than this the discussion in theatre is minimal, as the most common form of discussion in theatre is either between those relating to one another or disagreeing in opinions of one another as well.

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