Sunday, February 7, 2016

Draft of Project 1

In this blog post, I will post my rough draft of Project 1 and request feedback from my peers.

Philo Nordlund, "Finish." 4/26/2008. via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.
The draft for Project 1 can be seen here.

Many parts of my draft come directly from my blog itself, and therefore throughout this week, including the rest of Sunday, my draft will be going through severe revisions in order to ensure it adequately matches the conventions of a quick reference guide. However, most of the content written currently will stay and possibly only change formatting. I want to ensure that all of the information that I have posted fulfills the requirements of Project 1 as shown on the rubric. If it would be possible to give feedback on the content of what I have currently written, and to ensure that I am not drastically missing anything that is required for the assignment, that would be much appreciated and helpful. Thank you for the feedback.


  1. Hi Tim!

    You clearly put a lot of work into this rough draft. It was an interesting read (at least as interesting as a nine page essay can be.)

    Here's a link to my critique:

    1. This definitely goes to show that I was correct in my original post that my form definitely needs the most work, but this for sure will come in handy moving forward.

  2. Hi Tim! This was an amazing QRG and very interesting! You did a lot of work and it shows! Great job!
    Here is my review:
