Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interview Subjects

In this blog post, I will go over the general basics of who the interviewers are and what shall generally be discussed.

Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung, "Interviews." 4/5/2014. via flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.
Who Are They?

I am going to interview Dr. Kevin Byrne and Dr. Bobbi McKean. They both work for the University of Arizona. 

What Is Their Position?

Dr. Bryne is an Assistant Professor and Dr. McKean is an Associate Professor, both a part of the School of Theatre, Film, and Television. 

What Are Their Credentials?

  • Dr. Byrne earned his Ph.D. from the City University of New York
  • Dr. McKean earned her Ph.D. from the University of Washington. 
  • Bobbi McKean has worked at the University since 1997, and prior to this worked as a professional actress in the field for over a decade in Seattle. 
  • Dr. Byrne has had less experience, but prior to coming to the University in recent years, he worked professionally as a dramaturg for numerous professional productions.
Dr. Kevin James Byrne
Kevin Byrne
I am interviewing Dr. McKean on February 29th at 10:30 in her office in the Drama Building, Room 239. I am interviewing Dr. Byrne on March 2nd at 10:00 in his office in the Marshall Building.

Dr. McKean Questions 
  1. What kind of different genres do you find yourself writing in for the field?
  2. What sort of conferences and meetings do you help run and organize?
  3. You organize and run a lot of workshops, how do you go about effectively coming up with these workshops?
  4. What would you say are the benefits and drawbacks to doing a workshop or working at conference as opposed to your writing?
  5. According to your website, you are currently writing a book on Shakespeare, what is this book about?
  6. What phase of the process are you in with the writing?
  7. What is your favorite part of publishing your work?
  8. What would you say is the most frustrating experience?
Dr. Byrne Questions

  1. What kind of genres do you find yourself writing in for the field?
  2. According to your website your publications and conference presentations include the amateur play publishing industry and Bert Williams. What about these things interest you?
  3. As a dramaturg, you worked on numerous productions, what were these productions? 
  4. What were your thoughts on these productions?
  5. How much influence does a dramaturg have over the course of the production?
  6. How do you start the process of dramaturgy?
  7. What do you find to be the most rewarding experience of your work as a dramaturg?
  8. Are there any aspects in particular that frustrate you?

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