Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

In this blog post, I will analyze the pronouns from my project that I listed out in the previous blog post.

Schu, "Superhero Grammar." 3/19/2008. via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.
I believe that while there are a lot of pronouns throughout the project, I believe that everything is well introduced and it is easy to understood what the pronouns are all referring to. This shows that I am at least good at introducing a topic, and therefore allowing pronouns to be effective as opposed to confusing the audience.

There is no point in which I refer to the audience directly, I find that it detracts from the professionalism of the project and there is no place for it without taking away from the project rather than adding to it. They are not a character in the story, and their goal is to just take away from what occurred rather than relate themselves to it. If they relate themselves to it, that is because they relate rather than being told to relate.

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