Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post, I will submit my rough draft and leave an open letter to the peer reviewers.

SIDE NOTE FOR EVERYONE VIEWING THIS THAT WANTS TO PEER REVIEW: Please peer review this link rather than the link below. This is the closest thing to the final project that will be turned in this weekend.

Here is a link to my project and here is a link to my script.

I definitely want to see how the content of the project is working out. There are certain technical aspects of the project that I am aware of already that need to be fixed. However in terms of the legitimate content and answering the question that the project wants us to answer, I want to be sure of what it is that I am doing right or that I am doing wrong.

I am aware of the music being a problem and random moments being too long with pauses, and random moments seeming to cut into place. I plan on re-recording in order to fix these problems, and they will not be an issue in the final draft. The technical problems are the errors that I am aware of going into this project.

I believe that I try to keep to the content very well, and I believe that I try to stick to what the topic is asking for and I do not think that I go off on irrelevant tangents that are not relevant to the project itself. I am very curious as to how this plays with the audience, and what I need to work on in this area to ensure that this really is a strength of mine.


  1. Tim, you did a great job with this podcast. There are only one or two, if any, real changes that could be made. One convention that you could change is making the song at the beginning of the podcast louder so it can be heard a little better. One convention that I think you could do without is the music in between words at the beginning of the podcast. I think that it takes a little bit of credibility away from your podcast. The final change I would make is the addition of credits at the end of the podcast. I can tell you put a lot of work into this project, keep up the good work.

  2. Hey Tim!

    Great job. I think that the "popular" song lyric within your opening statement breaks it up a little too much to where the audience has a harder time following your words.

    The content itself appears to be very accurate, and your sources are very reputable.

    I wish you could have used some more music to connect the different portions. Sometimes only voice with no extra music or stimulation can become slightly monotonous.

  3. Hey Tim!

    I love the music you chose at the beginning of your podcast. The audio you included from each example was a great way to let the audience really experience what you're talking about.

    However, I wish you would have added more sound effects or music throughout the podcast. Your content is really interesting but people are easily distracted. It's difficult to maintain listener interest because there are so many wonderful distractions in the world. The sound effects almost act as distractions themselves, calling the reader's attention back to the podcast.

    Good job overall, though!
