Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

In this blog post, I will reflect on post-production.

Some of the successes this week was that I was able to figure out Audacity in order to fix the technical issues that were going on with my rough draft. I believe that most of my content in the rough draft was good so I did not worry about most of the work that went into that phase of the project but there were a lot of technical aspects that I needed to get under control for this project that I was able to do. I not only fixed some of the problems, but also enhanced the project by adding in other aspects as well like different recordings and other audio segments that really enhanced the project from the rough draft to now.

I believe that it was a very awkward time to do peer review during this week, as much of the peer review is occurring on Sunday and I had finished my project ready to go on Saturday. Thankfully I adapted and put the most up to date project on the blog to be peer reviewed, so if there are any issues at this point, then I can add some final touches to the project which I was able to do. However, that is the biggest issue in terms of scheduling that I did not realize until the time finally came and it was just how it all played out in the long run. Also, I was very nervous going into this week because I was unsure about where to take my project in terms of editing, but after class and listening to the other examples of podcasts and analyzing them, I got a wonderful idea for where to take my project and lead it to it's current state.

Next week should be off to a good start with Project 3, and I definitely feel that this is a very strong conclusion going out of Project 2. I am very nervous about doing the video essay due to unfamiliarity, however I was able to conquer the podcast with the same fears going into this project so this does give me a somewhat boost of confidence that can hopefully lead to a positive outcome somewhere in Project 3.

I was actually very nervous about this project at the beginning of this week because I was not able to get into office hours to discuss my project. So therefore I am turning this project in a little bit colder than I did Project 1, and while I was ecstatic with getting a B on Project 1, that was also with Professor Bottai seeing the project and setting me on a course with the project personally. I am not sure how the reaction is going to be to this project, but I feel the most confident with this project than I did the last project for some reason. I believe this is due to me figuring out the project on my own after initial misunderstandings with this project and the genre and getting what feels to be a quality product at the end of the day. I believe this is the better of my 2 Projects, and it has definitely grown the most especially considering this was all me taking it and nurturing it into what it has become.

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