Monday, March 7, 2016

Production Schedule

In this blog post, I will detail out a production schedule for Project 2.

Here is a list for what I plan to get done this week in order to stay on track with Project 2:
  • By Monday March 7: Will gather materials to complete Project 2 
    • Macbook
  • On Monday March 7: Will decide on which program in which to record the podcast, whether that be on the MacBook or PC
    • PC - Audacity
  • By Wednesday March 9: Will familiarize self with all of the genre examples
    • Reread The Vagina Monologues 
    • Reread A Doll House
    • Reread The Harvest
    • Reread Dr. Byrne's entry
    • Reread Dr. McKean's entry
    • Read entry from Theatre Research International
    • Watch workshop by Yours Truly Theatre
    • Watch workshop by the British International School
    • Re-watch workshop by Kristin Chenoweth
  • On Wednesday March 9: Will begin writing a script for the podcast and detailing out exactly what I am going to say.
    • Detailed out analysis of how the plays are constructed, with the main focus being on The Vagina Monologues
    • Detailed out analysis of how the entries are constructed, with the main focus being on Dr. Byrne's workshop
    • Detailed out analysis of how the workshops are constructed, with the main focus being on workshop done by Kristin Chenoweth
  • By Friday March 11: Will complete script for the podcast
  • On Friday March 11: Will complete recording the script in it's entirety for the podcast
    • In study room in the library
    • In the study rooms of the second floor of Yuma Hall
  • On Saturday March 12: Will ensure that rough cut of video is adequate and fully recorded, and post to the blog for peer review

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