Monday, March 7, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

In this blog post, I will reflect on pre-production week.

I feel like pre-production week went rather well, and I feel very prepared going into this coming week. I believe that creating the schedule is already holding me to my word, as I am making sure that everything I have set up to do everyday is getting done. Even looking at the production calendar, it is being checked off as time passes as I make sure I try to stick to what I planned for myself. For example, the sound system was decided and therefore the calendar needed to be altered before posting.

My biggest problems coming out of this week is that I feel like most of my focus was spent on figuring out the coming week rather than dealing with much of pre-production. I feel like things were a bit more convoluted just because of the drastic shift in how the project was organized due to the class cancellation and schedule alterations. I also believe that the production schedule is not as detailed as it could be because I have to try and keep in mind what is getting done. For example, my project starts off very specific and gets more general as the week goes on.

I am very hopeful for next week because I have set up a schedule for myself that I have to ensure I stick to. I am the kind of person that needs to set a very specific time to get work done in order to get things done. For example I am the kind of person who would say "I am going to do my homework" and never do it, but if I say "I am going to do my homework starting at 6:30" then I will start my homework at least around 6:45 after 15 minutes of procrastination and YouTube exploring.

I am a bit nervous just because of the amount of work that is going to have to go into this project, and I believe that this project is the most vague of any of the projects. I believe I understand the prompt fully, but I have this very uneasy feeling that I am missing something. I do believe that this might be personal paranoia but it's still there.

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