Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Jason Boley

In this blog post, I will discuss my peer review of Jason Boley.

I peer reviewed Jason Boley's project, titled "The Future of America Podcast". The project can be listened to here. I decided to focus on a copy-editing suggestion for Jason's project. I believe that while he introduces his information in a professional manner and establishes credibility, there are certain awkward moments in the technical aspects of the recording itself that detract from the listening experience.

Jason was already aware of the pausing, but coming from an objective perspective I was able to note that the project itself seemed to fall flat because of these technical problems. Also I believe that by telling him to focus on incorporating various other elements of the podcast such as music and sound effects, it will add to the variety of the listening experience and therefore make it more enjoyable for the audience. His biggest issue is not the content of his work, but the execution and therefore the podcast viewing experience suffers from an audience perspective and hopefully he will be able to fix this and add more variety to increase the quality of the listening experience. I also took away from the lecture in class on the conventions of a podcast, and how the audience experience and quality is extremely important, and that the audience tunes out after just hearing one or two people speak without much variety or change.

I greatly admired his ability to set himself and his sources up as credible within the intro of the project alone. He was able to establish credibility for his interviewees and for himself while listing off the credentials of those who he has spoken to before the interview even begins. I believe that this ability to automatically create credibility is a great way to do this in the podcast, and is definitely something I shall keep in mind as well.

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