Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Production

In this blog post, I will reflect on the production process.

Some of the major successes that I had were being able to stay on topic with everything that needed to get done so that nothing felt rushed. While some of this time management was improvised, at no point did I ever truly allow myself to get overwhelmed with work, and it was never a question of whether or not I was going to be able to get the work done. Due to my planning of the production schedule, the two major events that needed to get done was the script and the recording itself. Because I had laid out these two events as important in my production calendar, I made sure that they would get done on time with plenty of wiggle room to spare.

Some of the problems was that while I did give myself enough time to do the work, I did not follow the production schedule as well as I should have. I had planned on giving myself from Wednesday to Friday to complete a script for the project, and the work ended up getting done completely on Saturday. While this was fine and ensured that the work would be ready for Sunday, it did not give me the right enough amount of time to do the work I wanted to the best of my ability. Also learning how to use Audacity was a struggle, and while I was able to figure it out enough to complete a rough draft of the project, there are many things with this program that I still need to learn in order to successfully edit the work I have done.

I think the post-production week will go fine, because I am completely caught up on all the work that needs to get done. There is no catching up or finishing that needs to be done, so I can adequately focus on revising my rough draft and ensuring that it is ready for the final. I am also ready for peer review to look at the content of my work and see how well of a job I have really done on the work.

I definitely believe there is a lot of work to get done, and this is definitely a rough draft of the project. However, I believe that there are plenty of edits going forward that I am ready to make completely on my own without being told what is wrong with the project, so much of the technical aspects of the project I am aware of and prepared to work on. The biggest problem that I need to take care of is the content itself and see what it is that I am missing, or possibly misunderstanding.

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