Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 1

In this blog post, I am going to compare the outline to the rough draft.

Outline Item

      • Theater is named after Chenoweth
      • Wants to make it a yearly thing for her and her “Broadway friends”
        • While this is credible, the pretension in that is worth noting.
      • Her ending the show with her singing

Adaptation of Outline Item

Her focus on credibility begins right from the beginning of the workshop, as the theater the workshop took place in was named after her. Those who attend this workshop know automatically who she is, and are immediately influenced by her level of importance in the theatre just from entering the building. She also references other credible sources by slipping a mention in passing that she wishes to conduct further workshops annually taught by her and her “Broadway friends”. If this mention were made by someone who was not credible this statement could also be dismissed as meaningless, but due to Chenoweth already establishing her credibility before the audience took their seats in the workshop, this further increased the importance of her words, and therefore ensured that the audience took her seriously. They also did as well, as following this moment she was met with unanimous applause. To cement her credibility, Chenoweth ended the workshop with a performance of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

The above is part of the script for what I put into the actual draft of my podcast, due to technical difficulties from cutting the individual piece from my project. I decided to try and summarize and quote from what she had actually said at the workshop itself. Also the genre of podcast influenced me as I had background music of Chenoweth singing in the background. I tried to blend other forms of audio such as talking and music together within this podcast piece.

The music was difficult to try and place into the program because the music was not coming up in my folder so I had to add the music individually, and then change the format that the music was playing in as well. Also the music volume levels provided some difficulty, but that can be talked about in more detail in the next production report.

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