Saturday, April 30, 2016

Content Outline

In this blog post, I am going to make a content outline for the final project.

I am going to focus on my writing process in terms of how I have evolved with adapting to unfamiliar situations, time management, and learning new technology, specifically because how these topics very much intersect for me throughout this entire semester. The paper is going to go over the details from how I handled Projects 1-3. Most of the reason that I struggled in this class is because I was confronted with very strange circumstances that I was not used to. It was extremely scary coming into this class not knowing what I was going to do and how I was going to survive through the class.

The beginning of the semester was extremely terrifying, and thoughts of dropping out from this fear were definitely running through my mind. This can all be linked back to the very first project, and the initial planning period that would structure how the rest of the semester would go. Planning out the rest of the semester was an extremely daunting task to complete, and I was unsure if I was going to be able to complete it effectively. This was my first encounter with time management in this class, and it was the most serious and long term planning that I truly encountered in college, especially with most of this semester being a sort of pick my own poison sort of mentality.

Project 2 was when I truly had to adapt to unfamiliar situations and learn new technology, which was what I truly dreaded about this semester. I did the podcast for this project, and while the podcast was not the most difficult genre that I had to work within, it definitely took a lot of time and a lot of the project had to go through serious revisions from the beginning to the end. The very first edition of the project was a complete mess, with music playing throughout the entire thing and without any introduction to credibility. Looking back on it, the difference between what the rough draft was and what the final became is night and day because of how much work had to go into revising it.

Project 3 was the project that I dreaded the most, especially because I do not have any background in videos other than minor videos I made in middle school and one project I did not do so well on in high school when I made a video on my own. I had less time to do this project because Rent would take me away for many nights and I would not return to my dorm until late, and time management became a huge thing with this project. This project went through significant revisions, especially because of the learning curve from learning how to make Windows Movie Maker, and the process it took for everything to work out the way I wanted it to. I also revised this project extremely heavily, as I started out this project trying to balance sexism and racism within the comic book industry, and I cut out the racism aspect which got rid of an entire other argument with evidence that I had laid out. This scares me still, however I believe that despite whatever grade I get the project benefited from my revisions.

I shall end off the standard college essay by explaining the ways I have entirely grown throughout this semester and how each of the projects taught me something different in terms of the overall learning process. Project 1 forced me into uncomfortable situations and forced me to adjust to this new class which was demanding so much from me. Project 2 showed me how to revise effectively, and how when being put into uncomfortable situations with learning new technology I have the ability to produce a quality product. Project 3 showed me that I could face my fears as a writer and that extensive revisions can at times lead to a much better product, and are at times extremely necessary. It also taught me how to manage my time effectively when life became busy at the end of the semester.

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