Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I am going to make an open to post to peer reviewers with my final cut of the project.

My final cut can be seen here.

This project has gone through a lot of evolution to get to the point where it is now. I took the original project where it dealt with both sexism and racism and decided to focus on sexism alone as adding in racism would make the project feel too broad, and take up too much time for less quality. Because of this, a lot of material (originally at the most up to over 40 minutes worth) has been trimmed down to around 8 minutes. I am not sure if this length feels appropriate or not, however this is just the result of sifting to the most important aspects of the argument rather than relying on any filler that may make up my project.

I am unsure how about the quantity of my work anymore as I was with the rough draft, as this project I had the most amount of material to work with. A lot of that had to be sifted out to give my project focus, and I am unsure whether the change in focus truly gave more or less to my project than what I wanted originally. I am hopeful that my project does have more focus by default because it only deals with one issue, but it just feels like I am missing something. This could be because I have seen this project go from something broad to something very focused and detailed so I could just be too involved to look at this objectively.

I believe that the project does have more focus, I believe that the clips that I used speak for themselves and I believe that the project is very good from an entertainment standpoint. Personally it does not feel like a full 8 minutes of video as to the one genre example in class where 8 minutes felt like 20 minutes. I am not sure if this going quickly thing and enjoyment of the project is because I enjoy the subject matter and know how short it has gotten, but I believe it holds up to the genre conventions necessary of a video essay.

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