Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Gabby Dietrich

In this blog post, I will go over the peer review I completed for Gabby Dietrich.

I reviewed Gabby Dietrich's Project 3, which can be seen here. I completed a recommendation about form for Gabby's project. I focused on the problems with the audio throughout the video, and how these problems distracted the audience from the project, despite how minor they were. I believe that I helped them because these minor problems may have gone unnoticed or ignored, and while they are minor, they do create a distraction to the reader that should not be ignored. If she goes about making these edits, she will not have to worry about the audience being distracted.

I incorporated the lecture on podcasts specifically, and how the audience takes such great notice in the quality of audio. The ability to analyze audio in a project like this is something the audience does naturally, and they notice even the smallest of details. Her content however was extremely thorough, and she was able to come off as very knowledgeable on the topic due to the amount of material she used to cover the topic.

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