Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Jacob Corbin

In this blog post, I will go over my peer review for Jacob Corbin. 

I peer reviewed Jacob Corbin's podcast, which can be listened to here. For Jacob's project, I made a recommendation based off of form, specifically that he should try and use the different conventions of a podcast in order to maintain the audience's attention for the length of the project. I believe I was able to help Jacob because while he has a lot of content that is able to fill up over 20 minutes of time, the audience does not have that long of an attention span to maintain 20 minutes of time by just hearing 3 people talk with a clip of Star Wars audio. 

I used my experience with a podcast during Project 2, and how it was extremely difficult for me personally to be able to fill up the entire length of time with varying use of audio sources. It would have been very easy to just have myself talk the entire time, but I tried the best I could to break it up with different sources of audio in order to maintain the audience's attention throughout the project. I believe that Jacob was extremely thorough, and going out and getting the opinions of others regarding the topic and speaking with them directly was an extremely helpful way to help shape the argument. 

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