Sunday, April 24, 2016

Editorial Report 4

In this blog post, I am going to compare another section of my rough cut to my fine cut.

Selection from Rough Cut

This is not an issue with comics in general, as there are many instances of women and minorities being strong and well-respected, however the instances to the contrary vastly outnumber the instances of the former.
Re-Edited Selection

While some may say that there are instances where women are represented proudly such as with characters like Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and a variety of others, the treatment of a majority of female characters begs to differ. For every Wonder Woman kicking ass, there is a dead Gwen Stacy. For every Supergirl flying high, there is a Barbara Gordon confined to a wheelchair. Female characters are thrown to the side at a drop of a hat, put in danger consistently, and go through completely unnecessary suffering and abuse to further the plot lines of male characters.

The content changed in order to address a stronger counterargument and in order to emphasize the counterargument more effectively and proudly. In the original post the counterargument was more hinted at while in the fine cut I have made sure to address those that disagree with me specifically and give my explanation as to why I believe they are wrong on this issue. I believe that this better establishes my credibility, and meets the requirements at a far better capacity than I had originally planned.

The form also did not change too extensively, however I will emphasize that in the original the amount of detail and information and counterargument was extremely little, especially for a longer video as well. In the fine cut, I spend a section discussing the counterargument right at the beginning of the video, then go on to explain all of my points with clips and images to back up my points as well. The amount of detail and the amount of content that I have to support my argument against the counterargument makes the video essay far more persuasive and effective than it was originally.

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