Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Local Revision Process

In this blog post, I am going to reflect on the local revision process.

I believe that this project was much easier to complete and go through the process and deal with this week than it has been in week's past. A lot of my work that I had done at the last minute in previous weeks contributed to giving me a lot of material to work with, and made the editing process much easier as I did not have to go about completely starting over from scratch. There were a lot of changes that had to be made, and because of the work that I had done already from planning to this point, there were plenty ideas in my head that I knew I would be able to accomplish and successfully put into fruition.

There was a lot of drastic changes that needed to be made to this project to get this project to the point that it is currently at today. I had to delete around half of my project's content in order to ensure that this project had more focus and more attention to detail than originally planned. This is the most content that I have ever had to sift through, especially going from rough draft into final draft, and the differences between the two points are the most noticeable than they have ever been before. Also there was a definite learning curve when it came to Project 3, in regards to the video essay that made successful production more difficult.

Next week will definitely go better than any of the last few weeks. We are going into Project 4, the Reflection, which I had planned out since the beginning of the semester to be the easiest project for myself. A reflection is something that I find extremely easy, and the Standard College Essay is a genre that I have had the most experience with before coming into this class, and because it is just a reflection the project should be even easier as well.

I am feeling extremely nervous about this project. Because of all the material that I sifted through I am convinced that I am missing something important in my project, and I am not sure what it is. However, because I have seen the project grow it could be that I am just overthinking this project and that it is best that all of the material that I deleted got deleted in order to leave room for a more focused and central argument.

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