Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Sutton

In this blog post, I will go over my peer review for Emily Sutton.

I peer reviewed the content outline for Emily Sutton's Project 3. The content outline can be seen here. For the content outline, I decided that an outlining suggestion was again the most appropriate for this phase of the project. I believe that I helped Emily with her project because she did not focus too much on how she is going to incorporate the different conventions of what a video essay is. There was very little emphasis on the more creative aspects that came along with making a project in video essay format. She will now be able to take the conventions into account while going into production week.

I took the lecture on the conventions of all of the projects and in this case, specifically the video essay. I focused on the fact that many of these conventions are used in order to ensure that the audience is engaged throughout the work, and that there is a certain amount of entertainment value that will get the audience to desire to watch the project, in this specific case. It was mostly a focus on form, and what the form of a video essay can do to the audience.

I found her use rhetorical strategies extremely admirable and something that I will definitely incorporate into my own work as the process continues. I believe that it is important to go into this next phase of the project knowing exactly what strategies I am using and why I am deciding to use them, especially since my argument is unconventional as well.

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