Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Fernando Coronado

In this blog post, I will detail my peer review for Fernando Coronado.

I reviewed the content outline for Fernando Coronado's project, which can be seen here. In this case, I selected the outlining suggestion for his content outline. I helped point out that while Fernando's outline is in fact a good basic format for an outline and what an outline should be in terms of organization and easiness to read, he does not specify his own project in the outline itself. If he takes my advice and incorporates his own ideas for the project into the outline, then he will be able to effectively move forward into production week with a strong idea of what he wants to do.

In this case, I incorporated talks from class on what an outline is based on activities of us outlining projects like with the cereal box. The information was basic enough and was not a complete project, however the information was specific and an individual would be able to move forward and make a project based off the outline we created.

I believe that I could learn from their level of organization that they were able to have for their content outline. They were extremely organized in how they set up their content outline and it was very easy to read, and my content outline would greatly benefit from that level of organization that Fernando has in his outline.

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