Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production

In this blog post, I will reflect on production week.

This week was very successful in the amount of materials that I was able to gather for this project, as the amount of material that I have for this video essay is absolutely plenty in order to continue on with this project. This is the most material that I have gathered for a project, with the amount of total information that I have being enough to fill multiple video essays. While this will of course be limited down, the amount of flexibility that I have in regards to the form of this work makes this undoubtedly an extremely nice project, as usually form is something that comes later.

I have gone through a few too many unexpected struggles this week, due to other scheduling conflicts that keep me out of my room until 11 every night. Sadly, this is of course because of a class and this week this project had to be pushed on to the back burner. Rent is an extremely time consuming process and while there is a bit of time to work on homework, it is not enough for me to work as much as I would like and getting too involved would be distracting to the task at hand.

However, going into next week, while it will be busy with Rent even moreso, it will not be as bad as this week. This past week I had to come up with the bare foundations of what my project will become. The process of making something out of nothing is extremely difficult, and now that I have something to work with I am optimistic that the next phase of the project will run smoothly.

I am still nervous about this project as a whole, however because of the amount of material that I have I believe that the project if done correctly could become the best one that I have turned in up to this point.

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