Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Alec Eulano

In this blog post I will go over my peer review for Alec Eulano.

I peer reviewed Alec Eulano's segment from Project 3, which can be seen here. For this segment, I recommended a change in form for Alec's project. I believe I helped him because he was not giving enough thought to the amount of imagery in the section that I peer reviewed. I believe that it is very easy to get trapped in focusing too much on the text within the QRG and therefore forgetting the interactive media and imagery that goes into it as well.

I incorporated my own experience with the QRG as well as focusing on information learned after the grades were returned for Project 1. One of the biggest problems that I faced was that I focused too much on the text, and the imagery became an after-thought and it should mainly be the imagery and interactive media that ensures the project is understood rather than the text itself. I believe I could learn from his focus, as he is very focused on the topic at hand as he focuses on his argument and does not stray too far from stating his opinions and backing them up with facts.

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