Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 2

In this blog post, I am going to complete my second editorial report on Project 3.

Selection from Rough Cut

One of the most notable characters that has also suffered mistreatment is the character of Barbara Gordon, or Batgirl. In 1988, in The Killing Joke, Barbara Gordon was shot and paralyzed and was then photographed naked all to try and drive her father insane. This attempt was fruitless and her father made a full mental recovery, while Barbara was left in a wheelchair for over 20 years until 2011 when the series was rebooted, and rewritten to return as Batgirl as written by Gail Simone, the same writer who created Women in Refrigerators in 1999. The character was rewritten as a computer genius and helped heroes in other ways as an information broker, however she was damned to the wheelchair as Batman was able to make a full recovery after his back was broken.

Re-Edited Selection

Seen here, starting at 4:22

The content was not the aspect that changed, however, as the original written words were what were spoken. There are definitely some edits that need to be made in order for the words to flow a lot smoother, however in terms of the ideas they have not changed from the original version. Most of the focus was spent on incorporating the video essay and it's conventions into the current project.

The form has changed drastically. I used different pieces of media in order to change the context of what I was talking about, or add to it. I used television shows, animation and live action, and a recent video game that was released recently. It showed that the issues that were discussed have expanded over a variety of different mediums. I believe that it shows how extensive and well known these issues truly are. 

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