Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 1

In this blog post, I will report on my production progress.

Content Outline

The first section shall about the general sexism that has occurred within the comics. I shall bring up characters such as Lois Lane even into the recent movie being treated as nothing more than a plot device, and even nothing but damsels in distress with little ability to make rational decisions.

Adaptation of Outline Item
There has been a variety of instances of sexism within the comics, both within the books and in the movies as well. Consistently there are characters like Lois Lane or Mary Jane Watson who are only used as a plot device and as damsels in distress for the hero to save. Very rarely are these women shown to make decisions that are obvious and rational that would ensure that they avoid any sort of trouble. They are written to ignore the obvious circumstances, thus leading to the male hero to save them, or possibly leading to their untimely death.

The clips used to illustrate my point can be seen here.

To show form, I have decided to show clips from the movies Spider-Man, Superman, and Man of Steel that illustrate my point where the women are consistently used as nothing else but to save the hero in a time of danger. It will give a visual to what I am trying to say as I narrate over the video. 

It has been difficult to currently figure out Windows Movie Maker, but it is a process that shall improve over the course of this week. However I have a plethora of clips and videos and audio sources in which to use, and once my project is able to fully come together then I do believe that it shall be a successful video essay.

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