Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Diego Alcantara

In this blog post, I am going to go over my peer review for Diego Alcantara.

I peer reviewed Diego Alcantara's script for the podcast, which can be viewed here. For Diego, I focused on a content based suggestion, specifically on furthering his ability to establish credibility. I believe that I helped Diego because while the suggestion is easy to add into the project, it is an extremely important aspect of the podcast that establishes credibility for the author. When an author addresses the audience and states who they are and their credentials, it is an easy way for the audience to be drawn in and listen to what the author of the podcast has to say.

I used the lecture where we listened to Project 1 examples and spoke about the beginning of the podcasts, and how each effectively started off the podcast in order to establish a relationship of trust with the audience. I could definitely take his ability to plan out the details and use them for future scripts and outlines for planning. He was able to detail out and effectively plan his entire podcast, including both the text and every sound effect he planned to include. This type of extensive planning is definitely something I should try to have for the future.

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