Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

In this blog post, I will go over my peer review for Jake Gyles. 

I peer reviewed Jake Gyles, and the project can be seen here. For Jake's project, I made a content based suggestion, specifically I made note that he should really elaborate on the sources he plans to use, especially since he makes reference to studies that prove his point. I believed that I helped Jake because he is actually taking away from his own credibility by lacking specificity in his sources, because it is impossible to trust the studies that he mentions that support his point if he does not state anything about the studies given. 

I kept in mind our class discussions about credibility, and how directly referencing a source and stating their credentials and the author's own credentials are extremely important in being able to establish credibility. To make reference to a source without stating who they are or why they are important only takes away from the credibility. I do admire his thought process for how he constructs the beginning of an argument however, and his creativity as he is able to keep the audience involved and hooks them in throughout his introduction successfully

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