Saturday, April 30, 2016

Peer Review for Jason Boley

In this blog post, I will go over my peer review for Jason Boley.

I reviewed Jason Boley's content outline, which can be seen here. For Jason's content outline, I made a brainstorming suggestion, where I told him that I believe the audience would lose focus over the course of the beginning of the video as he goes over information that the audience is already aware of, the details of what the projects were. I believe I helped him because I understand where Jason is coming from by going over the projects, however we all know the details and his attempt to get the audience's attention would only lose them.

I based this off of the video essays that we watched in class, and how repetition of the obvious made the video essay drag on extensively for a longer period than was necessary. Also the discussion in class, where the idea that going over the details of the project was not necessary as we all know what the projects are. I admired the way that they structured their video essay, it gave the project a very logical sense of direction and progress, which is extremely nice for this final reflection.

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