Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production Schedule

In this blog post, I will outline the production schedule for Project 3.

  • On April 4th: Download iMovie 
  • On April 4th: Begin looking for possible video and audio examples that could be used for the project
    • Specifically clips from:
      •  The Killing Joke, Man of Steel, Fantastic Four, Suicide Squad, Batman: The Animated Series or Batman The New Adventures
  • On April 5th: Decide on what resource the video is going to be recorded 
    • Webcam or Video Camera
  • On April 5th: Begin work on script for Project 3
  • On April 6th: Get all necessary resources together in order to film
    • Webcam or video camera
    • Clips from: 
      • The Killing Joke, Man of Steel, Fantastic Four, Suicide Squad, Batman: The Animated Series or Batman The New Adventures
  • By April 8th: Finish whatever filming that will need to take place
    • Use dorm or area around dorm. Possibly the area around the theatre building. 
  • On April 8th: Begin the editing process
    • Start earlier in the day as I am unfamiliar with iMovie
  • On April 9th: Finish the editing process for the rough draft of Project 3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim. I really like how organized your production schedule is. If I were to make any comment on how you might want to change it, I would say you should plan a lot of time for the script writing. I just know I was super caught off guard by the reality of the amount of time I spent creating a script. If you already are renting a microphone from one of the libraries then I would say that is definitely the way to go, but I also wouldn't underestimate the clarity you can get from regular headphones with a microphone built in. And also, I don't know if you are stuck on using one type of program for just audio editing (If you are putting just audio over a picture for any point in time in your video) but I really like this app called 'Opinion'. It's really easy to use for audio editing right from your phone! Otherwise it seems like you've got a good hold on the production of your project!
